BLACK SPADES is a Webcomic I've been conceptualizing for the past three years. The story involves a secret organization tasked with the extermination of certain supernatural creatures that invade the earth. Our journey follows Kaito Watanabe, a seasoned agent of 8 years being partnered with a rookie named Masami Suzuki as they take on the city together. Eventually the duo is paired with one of the very supernatural creatures they're supposed to destroy; An anomaly named Ribu! |
Anomalies are the previously mentioned "supernatural creatures" and will be the main threat throughout the Webcomic. Anomalies are classified as anything supernatural in nature. Including but not limited to Cryptids, Yokai, Demons, Ghosts, Spirits, Kaiju, Monsters, Ghouls, Goblins, and anything Mythical, Legendary, or Lovecraftian. Agents can make blood oaths with anomalies. This process grants the agent any abilities used by the anomaly at the expense of years of their life, or whatever other conditions the anomaly may set prior to the oath. |
The APO (Anomaly Protection Organization) is in charge of the capture and or extermination of anomalies. Most of the story will involve this organization and all of the colorful characters working under it. |
Masami is a recent addition to the APO and the one of three main characters of our story. A strong but ditzy swordswoman. She's fast on her feet and quick to action but falls flat on her ass most the time. While shes eager to head straight into battle she still has a lot to learn. |
Seasoned agent of 8 years, Kaito is a skilled marksman assigned with the unbearable task of training a rookie and keeping a close eye on one of the most powerful monsters on the planet. Whilst not the most functional team Kaito always keeps them in order one way or another. |
RIBU (ANM158) |
THE STRONGEST MOST POWERFULLEST MOST HANDSOMEST AND COOLEST- RIBU STOP CHANGING THE SCRIPT!... Ribu the lazy, insufferable, and loud, was detained by the APO and assigned to agents Kaito and Masami of the 1st Division. -I DONT LIKE THE WORDS YOU USED! |
Skilled but lazy mechanic and inventor. She has a sarcastic personality and has no issue stating what's on her mind. She usually supplies the crew with different weapons and gadgets to use on their adventures. |
The embodiment of "I'm trying my best". Li is usually all bark and no bite, but he definitely puts in the effort. Li was partnered with Teriyaki and as one could assume he's been subject to endless amounts of "friendly" bullying. |
Ava is a timid individual and folds quickly under pressure. Despite this she can make one hell of a coffee. Ava prefers to stay at HQ but manages to get pulled into the crews adventures anyway, much to her dismay. |
If this interests you follow me on Twitter or Tiktok to keep up to date!